
How to set units in Blender

Quick Blender tips, below steps are showing how to set units in Blender. We have options to change units to cm, mm, inch, or other imperial and metric units. We can follow below steps to change units. Happy sharing this steps. Hope this helps How to set units in Blender 1. Go to Scene Properties 2. Open settings under Units 3. We can change units from Meter to Millimeters  Furthermore, we use set units to Feet or Inch if set Unit System to Imperial #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading :  Blender how to see number of vertices Blender how to add cube Welcome to share this post with your friend.

How to show wireframe in Blender

Quick Blender tips, below steps are showing how to show wireframe of 3D object in viewport in Blender. Happy sharing this steps. Hope this helps How to show wireframe in Blender 1. Click the small arrow next to Show Overlays 2. In viewport overlays, check the box Wireframe to show wireframe of 3D scene in viewport. #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : Blender how to see number of vertices Blender how to go into edit mode Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender how to see number of vertices

Quick Blender tips show how to see number of vertices in Blender. We can follow below steps to see number of vertices. See Number of Vertices in Viewport 1. Select object 2. Click small arrow to show Viewport Overlay 3. Check the box Statistics 4. We can see number of vertices in Top-Left of Viewport See Number of Vertices in bottom bar 1. Right Click on the bottom bar 2. Then, Number of vertices in collection will be shown at bottom bar #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : How to add camera in Blender    How to add a cube in Blender Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender how to add a light

Quick tip to show how to add a light in Blender with using shortcut. Therefore, we can light up a scene with options to choose point light, sun light, spot light and area light.  We can follow below steps. How to add a light in Blender with Shortcut 1. Make sure that we can in Object Mode 2. Go to Add, then we can select Light, then choose a light Blender how to add a light  3. Alternative, we can use shortcut  Shift + A  the open the Add menu for adding light. Blender how to add a light with shortcut #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : How to add camera in Blender    How to add a cube in Blender Welcome to share this post with your friend.

How to add object in Blender with Shortcut

Quick tip to show how to add object in Blender with using shortcut. Therefore, we can add 3D object and setup the scene. We can follow below steps. How to add object in Blender with Shortcut 1. Make sure that we can in Object Mode 2. Go to Add, then we can choose the object How to add object in Blender 3. Alternative, we can use shortcut Shift + A the open the Add menu for adding an object. How to add object in Blender with Shortcut #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : How to add cube in Blender    How to add camera in Blender Welcome to share this post with your friend.

How to add camera in Blender

Camera is used for setting up view angle for 3D rendering. Below steps showing visually how we can add a camera in Blender. How to add camera in Blender 1. Go to Add > Camera  How to add camera in Blender 2. Then, we can open the camera panel , and adjust the location and rotation. #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : How to add cube in Blender Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender select all vertices

Here is a quick tip showing how to select all vertices in Blender. To select vertices, we need to go to Edit Mode. We can follow below steps to select all vertices at once. How to select all vertices in Blender  1. Select an object, 2. Go to Edit Mode, Go to Edit Mode in blender 3. Make sure that vertex selection is chosen, or we can hit shortcut "1" , 4. Then go to Select > All, or we can hit shortcut A , to select all the vertices. Blender select all vertices #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : Blender how to go into edit mode Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender how to add cube

Quick tip for Blender beginners, we can follow below 2 ways to add a cube in Blender. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. How to add cube in Blender 1. Go to Add > Mesh, and choose Cube Blender how to add cube 2. Hit Shortcut Shift A to Add , and go to Mesh, and choose Cube  Blender how to add cube shortcut #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading : Blender how to go into edit mode Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender how to go into edit mode

Blender how to go into edit mode Edit Mode in Blender can allow us to edit object's shape by adjusting vertices, edges, faces. Also, if we have a curve, we can go to edit mode to edit its control points to reshape the curve. If we want to go from object mode to edit mode, we can follow below steps. Blender how to go into edit mode 1. Select an Object or a Curve 2. Go to Drop Down Menu and select Edit Mode, as per above screenshot , or we can hit shortcut Tab Then, we can edit the object or curve in Edit Mode. #b3d #blender #cgian #blenderian by cgian Continues Reading :  Blender Ctrl B in Edit Mode Blender Blue Lines on Mesh in Edit Mode Welcome to share this post with your friend.

Blender Benchmark for Apple M3

This review is for Apple Mac user who are using M3 processor with MacBook Pro, MacBook Air. When we are using 3D software like as Blender, the computer hardware, CPU and GPU, is important factor to show the performance for graphics calculation. Apple M3 is a chip processing as CPU and CPU. Blender Benchmark is a data base showing the performance about the different CPU and CPU. Below is show how good the performance for using Blender 4.1 with Apple M3 chips is. This is only focus on the performance on CPU and GPU. If you like to compare with the CPU and GPU, we can find some data on official website - Blender Benchmark . Apple M3 Blender Benchmark   CPU performance in Blender Benchmark Blender Benchmark for Apple M3 CPU To compare CPU performance for using Blender, we find the Apple M3 Max gives score 415.23, Apple M3 Pro gives 252.14, and Apple M3 gives 152.81. While the most popular CPU in Blender Benchmark, AMD Ryzen 7 7800x3D 8-Core Processor gives score 267.04. ; Intel Core i9-1